Interactive Bridge

The interaction between architecture and the public has a very basic and formal relationship.  This relationship is primarily based on the function of the structure which then determines the nature of the interaction.  In some cases this relationship is broadened, for instance if the structure becomes historically important or culturally appreciated such is the case with London Bridge or Iron Bridge in Telford. 

The project looks at a new form of interaction between bridges and users, specifically Lendal Bridge, York.  The concept is to create a link between the bridge and user, outside the traditional methods of interaction.  Live data shall be collected from the bridge which is then visualised in an appropriate form to be accessed on the Internet.   The function therefore is to provide an accompanying art piece that gives new appreciations for a  commonly used structure.

Concept Breakdown
The user has as much interaction with the bridge outside its conventional function form as the user desires, mirroring the primary role of the structure.  This being, firstly the functional piece of architecture getting users from A to B, then secondary a piece of historical and aesthetic importance to the area. 

Users of the website are expected to explore the visuals to find out the meaning of the data.  This is first and foremost the interpretation of the bridges understanding of its environment and the forces acting upon it.

Data collected shall take a format that best portrays the ‘emotion’ of the bridge.  Looking at the basic properties of the bridge, visuals have been designed in response to correspond with the potential collected data. [Designs] 

The development of the final designs were developed through researching and developing similar concepts and designs.  This material can be found at visual ideas and sources of inspiration.

The technology required for this interactive piece can be broken down into four sections:
  • Data Collection
  • Data compilation
  • Combining data and visuals
  • Creating a live feed of visuals
These sections have been explored in Technology.

The website would most appropriately be marketed on the bridge itself.  The information board [Image] to the side of the bridge explaining the history of Lendal Bridge would be both commercially viable place to advertise as well as a coherent act towards attracting the right audience.  Having the website address on the information board shall allow people who are interested in the bridge, beyond it's conventional use, to explore the processes acting on the structure further.  This being one of the fundamental ideas behind the concept.

Potential for Development
The concept of applying a visual data stream to any structure is a potential direction for the future.  This process could be applied to any structure, from bridges to office buildings users could have the ability to really explore the structures around them.

Other forms of displaying the visual data streams have the potential to be explored as well as greater research into Internet posts.  Projections onto the side of the structure could add a new level of interaction whereby the user has an instant gratification for interacting with the structure in a form of a visual data change.

What this project intends is to take ordinary structures and give them a new form of life, which in effect causes awareness and appreciation from their everyday users.

If I were to continue this project I would apply the concept to other structures and focus on developing skills to create the code that would drive the database and website.

Other Structures that could be used:
  • Statues
  • Office Blocks
  • Flats
  • Public Toilets
  • Roundabouts
  • Roller-coasters
If any of these structures had a thought process, what would these thoughts be? It would be  interesting to visualise the thought process of a roller-coaster.

Strengths and Weaknesses
The strength of the concept is its simplicity, its weakness is the complexity to which the concept must undergo to be created.  

With the structure itself already established as well as an audience of potential users the difficult aspect is to connect the structure to visuals and then the Internet.  The process is possible and once the first codes are completed the package is transferable to other structures and data streams.

Cost of the project is possibly a weakness.  The project could potentially have very high overheads as the data collection equipment can be very expensive.  Corners can be cut in terms of collecting data from external source such as weather however this ultimately is detrimental to the project.